Monday, September 26, 2011


Today Kelsey left this comment on our blog...

... and we thought, "why not?" Let's give it a shot. Let's countdown and see what happens 62 hours from now! Ready... go! Can you tell we're getting to that delirious part of our wait? It's been 3 months since we saw our son! Ridiculous!


  1. This picture popped up in my blog reader and I got all giddy. I thought, "holy cannoli, they're on their way to get Arthur!"

    I'll be honest, I then read the post and muttered, "they duped me", but on second thought, that's the truth - you are on your way! So here's to 62 hours. Hoping and praying praying praying that the Lord does something miraculous with them.

  2. Hey girl! It's Laurisa- I met you at kelsey's cleaning party. I just wanted you to know that I am praying hard for you guys today! I am praying that your little arthur gets to come home now! That in 62 hours you get a phone call, or better yet, on a plane. That this son that God purposed to be in your family would soon be with you physically. Praying for the adoption agency leaders and the leaders of ethiopia- that just like moses so easily parted the red sea...that a path for easier adoptions would be opened TODAY!

  3. Eek! I kind of freaked out when I saw this picture! I'm gonna give an "amen!" to Laurisa's prayers/comment. I love your "why not" attitude. I am praying that Thursday morning brings wonderful, wonderful news!

  4. love it! do you two have any idea how much you continue to inspire? your strength, grace, and oh-my-goodness, your sense of fun... amazing. it's truly wonderful to know you (and cheer you on) through this now and forevermore journey of parenthood.
